
Maybe, when we are at our lowest and feel as though we have nothing to say, is exactly when we have the most to say.  Maybe, we are afraid of being dismissed, talked down to, disrespected or diminished. Maybe, we are afraid of being shamed, wronged, laughed at or criticized. Maybe, we fear that our feelings... Continue Reading →

Emotionally and Verbally Abusive Passive Aggressive Men

Do you find your partner losing his cool over things that are out of your control? Does your partner blame and punish you for things that happen to him even though you had no role in it? Does your partner bring up past issues to deflect you from the issue at hand? Does your partner... Continue Reading →


How often do we go through our days without really seeing the beauty in the people, places and things that surround us?  How often do we notice the beauty in a sound, a voice, a feeling or a touch? For some of us, the answer is not often enough. For some people, beauty is only... Continue Reading →

Love your child….

Your kids are never too old for a hug or a kiss or to hear the words " I love you". Your phone is not more important than your children. Put it down and pay attention to your kids. Whoever is texting or calling you can wait, you are not as important as you think... Continue Reading →

Things I know to be true

Bad things happen to good people Your kids can break your heart unlike anyone else A 12-year-old boy can make your house a war zone if you let him Being a waitress sucks Blaming others for your problems is a waste of time and energy Liking someone and loving them are two totally different things... Continue Reading →

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